How to View your Proofs:

Enjoy your images with Pictage!

1. Click on the link to your event
2. Create an account with Pictage
3. Enter Event Key (for weddings, the Event Key is the Bride's first name)
4. Enjoy!

Find your gallery here. You may have to scroll down.



It's the reason kaleidoscopes, fun-house mirrors and prisms were invented. Hold a prism to your eye and see how it changes the view. Atypical, it's the way an image can surprise and a thought can change. It's the architecture of a smile, question mark and exclamation point. Clouds were the original high priests of atypical. Most people think snowflakes are the ultimate atypical but they're insecure about their differences. An army of ants marching against the picnic of the predictable. A collage of syntax rebelling in the middle of a grammar textbook. Atypical is a jazz bass player in a club on a side street at midnight. Are you atypical? If you've tagged along this far it's something you want to be. So where do you start? It's something you live. Atypical is a learn-as-you-go-education. Break old habits. Make new ones. Then break them. Creativity is calling. You answer it with your heart. Start looking for the atypical right now. Tattoo your imagination with it. You’ll sleep better.